Sunday, March 14, 2010

Contra 4 = Hardcore, not HD graphics

-Rant Warning-

The dumbest but most common thing I see people use to describe hardcore gaming is HD graphics. How can anyone honestly complain and say the Wii isn't for hardcore gamers because it doesn't have HD graphics? The graphics are what makes a system not for hardcore gamers? If graphics truly are the definition to a hardcore game, go watch a movie. Boom, you just experienced the most amazing hardcore gaming experience you'll ever have without even having to press a button since game play seems to have no baring on hardcore gaming if graphics are what makes a game hardcore.

No! If you think graphics are what makes a game hardcore you have no idea what it is to be a hardcore gamer. Get yourself a DS and a copy of Contra 4 right now. Witness beautiful pixels, brutal difficulty and no save or load functions. THIS is hardcore! If you dare to be even more hardcore than that get yourself a C64 with a data cassette drive. Play games that are incredibly hard but also require the discipline not only to have to finish a game in a single sitting, but also having to wait 5 minutes between levels for loading. If you get game over, rewind and repeat until done.