Thursday, October 23, 2008

Final stretch

Soulless is finally completed. It took many hours and many late nights but it has all paid off. My goal to make a game within 2008 has been realised. Now there it is just a case of major testing until the end of the month.

I hope to have Soulless out for all of you great Mac gamers by Halloween.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

It pays to test

Yesterday my fiancée Liz was testing Soulless when I spotted something. When a Marine dies, they are meant to be grayed out. Instead this certain Marine vanished altogether. Looking into it I have found the cause and am correcting it as I type.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Smooth sailing ahead

The great news is it has finally happened. I am finally up to the point it has gotten easier. So hopefully the game will be out in the next few months. Fingers crossed.